I decided to reopen my barely used blog, in English. I have many reasons to do this.
First of all, my English is terrible so I would like to improve my language skills. One way for it if I write a lot. I have many things which I pleasantly share with others so this is a win-win situation.
Second, I recently found out that I have distant relatives in the US whose I would like to know better and maybe they could be known more about my life, my family and Hungary after all.
So let's keep going!
P.S.: If you would like to help me with correcting my grammar and syntax (or with critics), the opportunity is here!
Szerintem nem is borzasztó az angolod :) Láttam már pár angolul nyomuló emberkét, akik ennél gyengébben, de magukkal teljesen elégedetten nyomják, teli hibával :)
VálaszTörlésA lehetőséget mindenestre megragadom, mint önjelölt - ám semmilyen tanári képesítéssel nem rendelkező - segítő.
"One way for it if I write a lot-" - egy 'is' lehet h jó lenne a mondatba. One way for it, is if I write a lot, de az it-elést mindig szebb this-sel kiváltani. One way for this... és akár lehet utána is writing a lot. :)
'whose' - helyett whom
'they could be known more about my life' - they could get to know my life better, mert nem ők lesznek híresek a te életed miatt, hanem ők tudhatnak meg többet az életedről stb.
'let's keep going' - let's get going, ha csak most kezded :)
Hajrá :) :) :)